
Japanese memory prices lower than before the earthquake

"Memory has been in decline in value, the difference between netbook and laptop desktop market with 2G DDR3 prices have fallen to 90 yuan -95 per hour, cheaper than before the earthquake." A Taiwanese memory maker's marketing department to Miss Yin "IT Times "reporters complain. And the end of March, this reporter visited the market found that the same desktop with 2G DDR3 memory from before the earthquake of $ 100 -110 yuan, rose 130 yuan or more.

Miss Yin told reporters in June in difference between netbook and laptop memory of the retail market price began to fall. She believes the main reason is that the upstream memory fab in Japan's production line has been wholesale best netbooks laptops accessories repaired properly, can also resume normal production. On the other hand, the supply of memory on the market increased a lot recently, but consumer demand has not increased as a direct result of the price plummeted.Manager for storage products, Toshiba also confirmed to reporters the earthquake impact on their storage products have disappeared.

According to market research firm IHS iSuppli's research indicated that due to the fourth quarter of 2010 to first quarter of 2011,
difference between netbook and laptop processed products and finished products to create a 2-4 week buffer. Japan earthquake on March 11, belongs to the last paragraph of the first quarter, so in fact the product of earthquakes on the semiconductor supply chain affected by the direct impact is limited. Excess semiconductor inventory in the first quarter to help the semiconductor industry to avoid a serious shortage of components.


